My Purpose

I’m passionate about learning and passing on what I find out. Keep reading to find out more, or check out my blog and my substack.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is an an authentic understanding and articulation of why we exist and what good we aspire to achieve in the world.

It’s aim is to help us achieve and it comes from the intersection of what we love, what we’re best at and the impact we want to have on the world around us.

“All I know about humankind, I learned through Shakespeare” (Kevin Ball)

What does Purpose* mean to me?

My purpose is to grow my understanding about organisations and literature and share what I learn. I’m driven to encourage great writing of all kinds because words are beautiful, powerful things and there is as much light to be let into understanding through fiction as through non-fiction.

“Art is the lie that helps us find a truth” (Picasso)

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Work in Progress

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Check out my blog page for a taste of my writing.


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