Ninety-Four Things. What would you add?

1.      Don’t make rules.

2.      Get outdoors every day.

3.      Make friends with who you see in the mirror.

4.      Seek out other generations. Listen to them.

5.      Learn a Tik-Tok dance. Don’t share it.

6.      Having seconds isn’t a crime. Having thirds might be.

7.      Make something.

8.      Pick up litter.

9.      Take the stairs.

10.  Walk, cycle, take public transport. Only drive or fly when you’ve really thought about it.

11.  Know that discipline is necessary but not sufficient.

12.  Listen out for birdsong.

13.  Scare yourself sometimes.

14.  Read a poem every day.

15.  Don’t sweat the small stuff.

16.  Sweat the small stuff that needs to be sweated.

17.  Eat more croissants.

18.  Find out what makes you happy and do more of it.

19.  Repair things.

20.  ‘Don’t believe the hype’.

21.  Make space for others. Not just on the pavements.

22.  Never click a link from a source you don’t know and trust.

23.  Use an alarm clock.

24.  Be with others.

25.  Put on another jumper.

26.  Don’t be seduced when new running kit makes you faster.

27.  Do one thing every day that proves you are kind.

28.  Find a Negroni alternative.

29.  Remember your plans only last until you get punched in the mouth.

30.  Read at least one thing you disagree with every week.

31.  Know the difference between ten years’ experience and having the same experience every year ten times.

32.  Shop local, shop independent.

33.  Acknowledge that good socks are an investment worth making.

34.  Remember that champagne is the best fizzy wine but keep experimenting with the alternatives.

35.  Like yourself. Not too much.

36.  Take up Parkrun.

37.  Appreciate all weather for its unique beauty.

38.  Don’t feel you always have to eat everything on your plate.

39.  Only cross your legs when you’re sat on the floor.

40.  Be careful your habits don’t become a cage.

41.  Keep in touch with old friends.

42.  Don’t think that cooking new dishes is enough if you aren’t also learning new ways to cook.

43.  Write.

44.  Salute magpies.

45.  Listen to music that challenges you. Understand why it does.

46.  Learn to pronounce Csikszentmihalyi.

47.  Only wash your clothes when they’re dirty.

48.  Volunteer.

49.  Join the local library. You don’t want to live in a country where they’re allowed to die.

50.  Use a password manager. Migrate every bookmark to it.

51.  Appreciate there’s nothing you do that won’t be improved by preparation and practice.

52.  Remind yourself that this too shall pass.

53.  Each of us is going through something. Honour that in the way you show up.

54.  Only do business with people you trust.

55.  Laugh. Loudly. Often.

56.  Reflect on everything; regret nothing.

57.  Acknowledge your bias and your privilege. Work hard to overcome them.

58.  ‘Rester soi-meme’.

59.  Look up words you don’t really understand.

60.  Look after your tools. All of them.

61.  Eat. Mostly plants.

62.  Learn to recognise at least five trees.

63.  Proceed on the basis that you are a work in progress.

64.  Don’t mind too much when your sports team disappoints you.

65.  Do a menial task mindfully every day.

66.  Be careful with goals. They are useful but seductive.

67.  Unsubscribe, delete, unfollow, mute, block.

68.  Celebrate.

69.  Rid yourself of the idea that you can solve every problem just by thinking about it.

70.  Capture what you’re learning. Notice when you aren’t.

71.  Treat railway timetables and weather forecasts as decent guesses.

72.  Go barefoot whenever you can.

73.  Learn Python. Or maybe French. Maybe both.

74.  Never be overpowered by other’s confidence; never over value your own.

75.  Never log-off with an email in your in-box.

76.  Be curious.

77.  Don’t make everything a project.

78.  Only buy new that which you really can’t buy second-hand.

79.  Give time, give money, give attention.

80.  Remember last  year’s performance isn’t this year’s target.

81.  Drop your shoulders.

82.  Know that it’s only your examination of your life that makes it worth living.

83.  Grow something.

84.  Insert a pause between each stimulus and every response.

85.  Read. Lots.

86.  Restore something old.

87.  Be present.

88.  Don’t be lazy about your ironing.

89.  Pay generously for the right expertise when you need it.

90.  Savour your time with those you love.

91.  Accept that you will never really understand. The quest is the thing.

92.  Spend time with art that inspires you. Work out why it does.

93.  Turn off notifications except the ones that tell you when your dinner’s arriving.

94.  Never trust a single source. Especially when you agree with it.


Nine practices that seem to work (so far)


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